C stands for "common time" which is the same as a 4/4 time signature. Quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note pair and half note
This example uses 2/4 time signature, but all of your ta's and ti's etc. are read, played and sung the same way you've already been doing them. Quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note pair and half note
This example uses 2/4 time signature, but all of your ta's and ti's etc. are read, played and sung the same way you've already been doing them. Quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note pair and half note
C stands for "common time" which is the same as a 4/4 time signature. Quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note pair and half note
C stands for "common time" which is the same as a 4/4 time signature. Quarter note, quarter rest, eighth note pair and half note